Gaibandha Boro rice bumper yield potential!

Gaibandha Boro rice bumper yield potential!

Gaibandha Boro rice bumper yield potential!


In Palashbari, Gaibandha, extensive cultivation of Boro rice has been undertaken in areas like Khalbil, riverbanks, and low-lying areas. Farmers are hopeful of a bumper yield this year due to favorable weather conditions. They believe their luck might turn if the weather remains favorable.

Similar expectations of a bumper yield are prevalent in all unions of the upazila. Farmers have planted Boro rice extensively wherever fallow land was available, especially in areas like Khalbil, riverbanks, and low-lying areas.

According to sources from the Upazila Agriculture Extension Office, around 5,000 Boro farmers in Palashbari Upazila have been provided with high-yielding hybrid rice seeds free of cost as agricultural incentives. Fatema Kaysar Mishu, an agriculture officer in the upazila, mentioned that this year the target for rice cultivation has been set at 11,800 hectares. With favorable weather, it’s estimated that around 53,000 metric tons of rice could be harvested.

Farmers like Nausha Mia, Azizul Haque, Nurul, and Bhola Mia have informed journalists that even the fallow lands from last year have been utilized for Boro rice cultivation this year, raising hopes for a bumper yield.


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