The alleged doctor Munia never attended Dhaka National Medical colege

The alleged doctor Munia never attended Dhaka National Medical colege

Munia Khan Roja: Dhaka National Medical College’s Claim, She Has Never Studied Here


Dhaka: Dhaka National Medical College (DNMC) authorities stated in a notice on Thursday (March 28) that a certain doctor named Munia Khan Roja has never studied at their institution.

Recently, through various media outlets including Citizen TV, an interview with Munia Khan Roja has been broadcasted. In the interview, she claims to have passed MBBS from Dhaka National Medical College.

However, according to the records of DNMC authorities, no student named Munia Khan Roja has ever been admitted to their institution. Due to her false claims, the DNMC authorities are outraged.

It has been further stated in the notice that spreading such misleading information in the future is in no way acceptable.

Who is Munia Khan Roja?

In December last year, Ansar members from Dhaka Medical College Hospital arrested a fake gynecologist named Munia Khan Roja (25). She was then handed over to the police on charges of torture. From there, she ended up in jail. However, she claims that she is not a fake doctor.

Recent Controversy

In a recent interview on Citizen TV, Munia Khan Roja introduced herself as a doctor and gave opinions on various medical topics. The video went viral on Facebook and other social media platforms.

However, in the video, it can be seen that she cannot even explain the meanings of some common medical terms. This incident has once again put her in the center of controversy.


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