Positive News for Teachers and Staff with MPO Enrollment

Positive News for Teachers and Staff with MPO Enrollment

Positive News for Teachers and Staff with MPO Enrollment   In a recent development, approximately 10,000 teachers and staff from private schools and colleges are set to be included in the MPO (Monthly Pay Order) system. The Education Minister, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Nofel, revealed that this initiative will cover all institutions at the secondary level…

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Teacher Asif Mahtab’s 7-line post has 10 spelling mistakes!

In a Facebook post, teacher Asif Mahatab made 10 spelling mistakes in a 7-line post. He wrote, “If my contract is not renewed, then why am I assigned hours of meeting, why was I given the task of curriculum development?” He continued, “The funniest thing is that my course has not been reviewed, so why…

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