Popular candy “Hawaiian sweets” banned for cancer risk

Popular candy "Hawaiian sweets" banned for cancer risk

Popular Candy “Hawaii Mithai” Banned in Tamil Nadu for Cancer Risk


The candy “Hawaii Mithai,” a favorite among children for years, has been linked to cancer risk. According to BBC News, authorities in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu have banned the sale of the candy after tests revealed the presence of the carcinogenic substance Rhodamine B.

Earlier this month, Puducherry also banned the sale of Hawaii Mithai, prompting similar testing across other Indian states.

Health officials raise concerns:

Indian health officials have deemed Hawaii Mithai a serious health threat. D. Sathish Kumar, a food safety official in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, told The Indian Express, “The toxic element found in Hawaii Mithai can cause cancer and spread to all organs of the body.”

Illegal production and sale:

Sathish Kumar and his team apprehended vendors selling Hawaii Mithai during a raid on a Chennai beach. He revealed that the candy is produced by individuals without any registered factories, each using their own methods.

Cancer risk confirmed:

Following the detection of Rhodamine B in samples, the Tamil Nadu government imposed a ban on the sale and consumption of Hawaii Mithai. This chemical, used to create a pink hue, is commonly found in textiles, cosmetics, and ink drying agents. Studies have linked it to an increased risk of cancer. The sale of such food items is already illegal in Europe and California.

Raising awareness and seeking alternatives:

In light of these developments, it’s crucial to raise awareness about the risks associated with Hawaii Mithai and encourage people to opt for healthier alternatives.

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