Nationalist Farmers’ Party Biannual Conference Held in Dashmina

Nationalist Farmers' Party Biannual Conference Held in Dashmina

Nationalist Farmers’ Party Biannual Conference Held in Dashmina


Mohammad Rakibuzzaman
A biannual conference of the Bangladesh Nationalist Farmers’ Party was held in Dashmina, Patuakhali, organized by the local branch under the theme “If farmers survive, the country survives.”
The conference took place on Saturday at 11:30 AM in the field of Begum Arefatunnesa Girls’ Secondary School, located in the Sadar Union of Dashmina.
The program began with the recitation of the Quran, a reading from the Bhagavad Gita, and the hoisting of national and party flags.
Under the leadership of Moniruzzaman Monir, the convener of the Dashmina branch of the Bangladesh Nationalist Farmers’ Party, and with the direction of Mohammad Harun Ar Rashid, the secretary of the branch, the event was graced by several key dignitaries.
The chief guest was Shahidul Islam Khan Babul, the general secretary of the Bangladesh Nationalist Farmers’ Party’s central committee. The keynote speaker was Mohammad Rofiqul Islam Jontar Rofik, the central organizational secretary of the party and in charge of the Barisal division.
Special speakers included Assistant Organizational Secretary A. Rahman Sentu and Tarikul Islam Ivan, the secretary of the Patuakhali district branch of the Bangladesh Nationalist Farmers’ Party.
Special guests included National Executive Committee member Hasan Mamun, Vice President of the Farmers’ Party’s central committee Jamal Uddin Khan Milan, Joint Secretary of the central committee Lion Mohammad Akhtar Hossain Sentu, President of the Dashmina Upazila BNP Abdul Aleem Talukdar, General Secretary Shah Alam Shanu, and leaders from Patuakhali district, Galachipa, Bauful, Rangabali, Dashmina Upazila Farmers’ Party, and other allied organizations of the BNP


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