“A grand wedding ceremony was held in the presence of distinguished individuals.

"A grand wedding ceremony was held in the presence of distinguished individuals.

“A grand wedding ceremony was held in the presence of distinguished individuals.

Shah Fuzayel Ahmad, Mofassal Editor

The youngest son of deceased Shaiesta Mia, businessman, and social worker Mr. Mohin Mia, a resident of Hobbipara (Madhpara) area in Jagnnathpur Municipality, married Miss Ayesha Begum, the first daughter of Mr. Kamruzzaman, former president of Kolkolia Union BNP. Ayesha is an assistant teacher at 128 No. Ward Ullah Government Primary School.

The wedding ceremony took place on December 13th (Friday) at the Diamond Community Center located at Kolkolia Bazar in Jagnnathpur Upazila.

Attendees included Advocate Mollah Moin Uddin Sohel, former Senior Vice President of Sinha Moinuddin BNP; Abu Horaera Saad, former President of Jagnnathpur Upazila BNP; Ataur Rahman, former Chairman of Jagnnathpur Upazila Parishad; Abdul Mukit, former Acting President of Jagnnathpur Upazila BNP; Advocate Jiau Rahim Shaheen, former Joint Secretary of District BNP and Additional Public Prosecutor at Sinha Moinuddin Jjudge Court; Alhaj Rafiq Mia, Chairman of Kolkolia Union Parishad; Askir Ali, former Chairman of Patli Union Parishad; Kamal Hossain, former Councilor of Ward 4 of Jagnnathpur Municipality; Saleka Parvin, Headmistress of Hobbipara Government Primary School; Abdul Mosabbir, a UK-based social worker; Moktar Mia, entrepreneur and social worker; Ruhin Mia, Sebul Mia, and Shah Fuzayel Ahmad among others.

The Bangladesh Primary School Assistant Teachers’ Association, Jagnnathpur Upazila Branch, also presented a crest to the newlyweds. The crest was presented by President Mr. Nurul Haque and General Secretary Mr. Ruhul Amin.

The newlyweds are hopeful for blessings from everyone.”


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