120 Taka Police Job!

120 Taka Police Job!

120 Taka Police Job!


With the slogan ‘Service with Dedication’, Brahmanbaria Police has concluded the recruitment exam for Trainee Recruit Constables (TRCs) based on merit, qualifications, and cleanliness. On Wednesday (March 13), the results of the recruitment exam were announced at the district police lines late at night. Out of the applicants, 11 females and 60 male constable candidates were selected finally.

According to district police sources, a total of 1,738 applicants applied for the 71 vacant positions of Trainee Recruit Constables in Brahmanbaria district. After verification and selection, 1,238 candidates participated in the physical measurement and competency tests. Later, 463 candidates were selected for the written exam. Among them, 461 candidates appeared for the written exam.


Out of these, 289 candidates passed the written exam. Subsequently, after the oral examination, 71 male and female constable candidates were finally selected. Among them, 60 males and 11 females were appointed as constables.

On Wednesday night, announcing the results of the final exam for the new recruits in the drill shed of Brahmanbaria Police Lines, Brahmanbaria Police Superintendent Mohammed Shakawat Hossain expressed joy and excitement. Later, the newly appointed 60 male and 11 female constables were adorned with flowers by the Brahmanbaria Police Superintendent.

When asked about the new constable recruitment exam, Brahmanbaria Police Superintendent Mohammed Shakawat Hossain said they got the job by paying only 120 Taka as application fee. A total of 71 candidates were recruited based on honesty, impartiality, and cleanliness. Among them, 20 are from the Freedom Fighters quota, 6 from the ethnic minority quota, 9 from the general female quota, 1 from the Ansar and VDP quota, and 35 from the general male quota. Additionally, 3 candidates are kept on the waiting list.


He said, ‘Merit and competency have been evaluated here. Those who passed the exam are now new members of the Bangladesh Police. I believe they will work in the Bangladesh Police Force with integrity, loyalty, and professionalism, carrying the spirit of serving the country after completing their training.’


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